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Source: Meer 1982
Author: Meer, Tine H. van der
Full name: Fonologia da língua Suruí. MA thesis.
Publisher data: Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
Language(s): Surui-Paiter
Code(s): mon-sur
Description: A description of Suruí phonology and morphophonology. A very small number of sample sentences are provided.
Source: Meinhof 1930
Author: Meinhof, Carl
Full name: Der Koranadialekt des Hottentotischen.
Publisher data: Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag.
Language(s): !Ora
Code(s): kkh-kor
Description: Mid-size grammatical sketch of !Ora, together with some text samples and a representative vocabulary. Based on the author's personal fieldwork as well as a selection of earlier sources.
Source: Meinhof 1944
Author: Meinhof, Carl
Full name: Das Heiban in Kordofan.
Publisher data: In: Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 34, pp. 94-130.
Language(s): Ebang
Code(s): krd-eba
Description: A sketch of Heiban (Ebang) phonology and grammar. Well illustrated with lexical material, but no separate texts or vocabularies included.
Source: Melchert 1993
Author: Melchert, H. C.
Full name: Cuneiform Luvian lexicon.
Publisher data: Chapel Hill, N. C.
Language(s): Hittite
Code(s): ana-oht
Description: Dictionary of the Cuneiform Luwian corpus.
Source: Meng 2001
Author: Meng, Chaoji
Full name: Yáo zú bùnú yǔ fāngyán yánjiù [Research on the dialects of the Bunu language of the Yao nationality]..
Publisher data: Beijing: Minzu chubanshe.
Language(s): Bunu (proper); Bunu, Baonao; Bunu, Numao
Code(s): hmo-bnu; hmo-bna; hmo-nmu
Description: Detailed analysis of the phonology and word structure of several closely related dialects of the Bunu cluster.
Source: Merlan 1983
Author: Merlan, Francesca
Full name: Ngalakan Grammar, Texts and Vocabulary (Pacific Linguistics, Series B - No. 89).
Publisher data: Canberra: The Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, Department of Linguistics.
Language(s): Ngalakan
Code(s): egu-ngl
Description: A descriptive grammar of Ngalakan, accompanied by eleven texts and a medium-sized vocalulary of the language.
Source: Meylanova 1984
Author: Мейланова, У. А.
Full name: Будухско-русский словарь [Budukh-Russian Dictionary].
Publisher data: Москва.
Language(s): Budukh
Code(s): lez-bdk
Description: Budukh-Russian dictionary of ca. 8000 entries supplemented by a Russian-Budukh word-index and a grammar sketch.
Source: Mikailov 1967
Author: Микаилов, К. Ш.
Full name: Арчинский язык: Грамматический очерк с текстами и словарем [The Archi Language: A grammatical sketch with texts and vocabulary].
Publisher data: Махачкала.
Language(s): Archi
Code(s): lez-aqc
Description: A grammar of Archi supplemented by texts and a glossary.
Source: Miller et al. 2009
Author: Miller, Amanda; Brugman, Johanna; Sands, Bonny; Namaseb, Levi; Exter, Mats; Collins, Chris
Full name: Differences in airstream and posterior place of articulation among Nǀuu clicks.
Publisher data: In: Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 39 (2), pp. 129-161.
Language(s): Nǀuu
Code(s): kwi-nuu
Description: Discussion of certain articulatory and acoustic peculiarities of the phonetic system of Nǀuu. Includes around a hundred illustrative lexical items.
Source: Miller 2001
Author: Miller, Amy
Full name: A Grammar of Jamul Tiipay. (Mouton Grammar Library 23).
Publisher data: Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Language(s): Tiipay, Jamul
Code(s): yum-tii
Description: A descriptive grammar of the Jamul variety of the Tiipay language – one of the Kumeyaay (Diegueño) languages, formerly considered dialects of Diegueño.
Source: Mobili 2010
Author: Мобили, Р.
Full name: Удинско-азербайджанско-русский словарь [Udi-Azerbaijani-Russian Dictionary].
Publisher data: Баку.
Language(s): Udi, Nidzh; Udi, Vartashen
Code(s): lez-udn; lez-udv
Description: A new Udi dictionary based on [Gukasyan 1974], but with a number of new entries and/or phonetical variants of dialectal nature (exclusive Vartashen forms are marked by asterisk *, but common Nidzh-Vartashen forms and exclusive Nidzh ones are unmarked).
Source: Moore & Galucio 1993
Author: Moore, Denny; Galucio, Ana Villacy.
Full name: Reconstruction of Proto-Tupari consonants and vowels.
Publisher data: In: Report 8. Survey of California and other Indian languages. Proceedings of the Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous languages of the Americas (July 2-4, 1993) and the Hokan-Penutian Workshop (July 3, 1993) both held at the 1993 Linguistic Institute at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio (eds. Margaret Langdon and Leanne Hinton). Columbus: Ohio State University.
Language(s): Wayoró; Makuráp; Mekéns; Tuparí
Code(s): tpr-wyr; tpr-mak; tpr-mek; tpr-tpi
Description: An attempt at the reconstruction of Proto-Tuparí phonology. 124 items are reconstructed. Wayoró, Makuráp, Mekéns and Tuparí data are taken into account.
Source: Morgenstierne 1929
Author: Morgenstierne, G.
Full name: Indo-Iranian frontier languages. Vol. I. Parachi and Ormuri.
Publisher data: Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard).
Language(s): Parachi
Code(s): irn-prc
Description: A synchronic and diachronic grammar of Parachi and Ormuri with texts and dictionary.
Source: Moser & Marlett 2005
Author: Moser, Mary Beck; Marlett, Stephen A. (eds.)
Full name: Comcáac quih yaza quih hant ihíip hac: cmiique iitom - cocsar iitom - maricáana iitom = Diccionario seri-español-inglés: con índices español-seri, inglés-seri.
Publisher data: Hermosillo, Son.: Editorial UniSon : Plaza y Valdéz Editores.
Language(s): Seri
Code(s): ser-ser
Description: A very large dictionary of Seri with many textual examples and a grammatical sketch. Available online at
Source: Moser & Marlett 2010
Author: Moser, Mary Beck; Marlett, Stephen A. (eds.)
Full name: Comcaac quih yaza quih hant ihiip hac: cmiique iitom - cocsar iitom - maricaana iitom = Diccionario seri-español-inglés: con índices español-seri, inglés-seri. 2a edición.
Publisher data: Hermosillo, Son.: Editorial UniSon : Plaza y Valdéz Editores.
Language(s): Seri
Code(s): ser-ser
Description: Second edition of the Seri dictionary with minor additions and corrections. Available online at
Source: Munkácsi & Kálmán 1986
Author: Munkácsi, Bernát
Full name: Wogulisches Wörterbuch. Gesammelt von Bernát Munkácsi. Geordnet, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Béla Kálmán.
Publisher data: Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
Language(s): North Mansi; Middle Lozva Mansi; Lower Lozva Mansi; Pelymka Mansi; Konda Mansi; Tavda Mansi
Code(s): oug-msn; oug-mlm; oug-mlu; oug-msp; oug-msk; oug-mst
Description: The only extensive dialect dictionary of Mansi available so far. Quality of transcription is rather poor (variant forms in the same dialect for the most part are due to this factor rather than real variation in the language). Nevertheless, numerous examples of usage make the dictionary indispensable for the preparation of Swadesh wordlists.
Source: Munro et al. 1992
Author: Munro, Pamela; Brown, Nellie; Crawford, Judith G.
Full name: A Mojave dictionary. (UCLA Occasional Papers in Linguistics, Volume 10).
Publisher data: Los Angeles: Department of Linguistics, University of California.
Language(s): Mojave
Code(s): yum-moj
Description: An extensive dictionary of Mojave language with textual examples. Includes inflectional and derivational information.
Source: Munro 1976
Author: Munro, Pamela
Full name: Mojave syntax.
Publisher data: New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.
Language(s): Mojave
Code(s): yum-moj
Description: The only published monograph on Mojave grammar. Includes a survey of phonology and inflectional morphology.
Source: Myar 2004
Author: Myar Doo Myar Reh
Full name: A phonological comparison of selected Karenic language varieties of Kayah State. M.A. Thesis.
Publisher data: Payap University, Chiang Mai.
Language(s): Kayah Monu; Brek Kayaw; Yintale
Code(s): krn-mnu; krn-bre; krn-yin
Description: A detailed phonetic description and comparison of several varieties of Karen, including Kayah, Kayah Monu (Monumanaw), Brek (Bre) Kayaw, and Yintale. Includes 400+ item lexical wordlists for each of the described varieties.
Source: MYYFY 1987
Author: Anonymous
Full name: Miao-Yao yu fangyan cihui ji [A collection of vocabularies of Miao-Yao dialects].
Publisher data: Beijing: Zhongyang minzu xueyuan chubanshe.
Language(s): Hmong, Xiangxi; Hmong, Qiandong; Hmong, Chuanqiandian; Hmong, Diandongbei
Code(s): hmo-xxi; hmo-qia; hmo-chu; hmo-dia
Description: Comparative vocabularies for seven varieties of Hmong-Mien, including Xiangxi, Qiandong, Chuanqiandian, and Diandongbei Miao. A significant amount of data, accompanied, however, only by brief listings of the corresponding dialects' phonemic inventories.
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